Terry, thank you so much for sharing some of your family history. My heart dropped when I read what your mother did with your watch. It seems so unloving and uncaring, just a total disregard of what your feelings might be on the matter. In your place, I might eventually be able to forgive my mother, but I would never, ever, forget the lack of respect and common decency that allowed such a selfish act.
I completely understand that recent family incidents can sour one's enthusiasm for learning more about common forebears. Unsavory episodes from the past that come to light can easily discourage one from investigating further for fear of what might be discovered. There were certainly a few in my own family.
But I came to view family history as just that. Those involved are long dead, and who can know all the circumstances and what was truly in their heart? Family relationships and interactions can be far more complicated that the most complex watch ever made. Detailed police reports and excruciatingly graphic newspaper accounts of the day still do not give the whole picture. There are things in my family's past that I would be mortally ashamed of or embarrassed about if they happened today, or even in recent memory. There are other things I might take pride in until I realize I had absolutely nothing to do with it. So now I look at these tales as pieces of a puzzle, and I enjoy trying to put together the whole picture so I can understand what happened more fully. My family history doesn't reflect on who I am as a person in any way. Some of it is quite fascinating and would be great fodder for a movie. Some of it is downright scandalous. But either way, it's just history. Period.
Whether you share it with us or not, I encourage you to look further into your family history. The story of how you came to have that watch is a precious memory no one can take from you. The watch itself would be a wonderful memento, but the treasure is the underlying love and the family story of how it came to you. Who knows? There may be other treasures out there, just waiting to be discovered. Good luck!
PS: I join Marina in encouraging you to write and post more stories like this. I thoroughly enjoy them.